Adult Prevention Program
One of the top reasons that people without dental insurance DO NOT see routine dental care is $$$
Across most age groups, the cost is the biggest reason why people choose not to get routine dental visits. Though budgeting to have your teeth cleaned may sound less exciting than saving for your next vacation, investing in your oral health pays off in more ways than one.
While poor oral health can contribute to tooth loss, health issues, low self-esteem, and the need for more extensive and expensive dental work, good oral health with routine hygiene visits can help prevents this.
Prevention Program in a nutshell.
The program is based on a 12 month period covering dental services with an affordable monthly fee ranging from $20 to $44. There are two options to choose from depending on individual needs.
1. Adult Routine Prevention: Includes cleanings twice a year with routine x-rays for $20 - $24 a month. $20 cost is for routine cleanings with 4 bitewing x-rays. $24 cost is based on routine cleanings with full mouth series of x-rays every 5 years.
2. Adult Periodontic Prevention: includes cleanings four times a year with routine x-rays for $39 - $44 a month. $39 cost is for periodontal cleanings and 4 bitewing x-rays. $44 cost is based on periodontal cleanings and a full mouth series of x-rays every 5 years.
Program Details.
The program is based on a 12 month period. Any early cancellation will be subject to balance charge of remaining payments versus services rendered. A minimum maintenance fee is included in the monthly charge. Cancellation of this contract by either party must be in writing 60 days prior to termination of the contract.
A fee of $25 is charged for any appointment cancelled or missed without a 48 hour notice.
Benefits of the program are for a 12 month period with no roll overs. Patients must take advantage of the program within the 12 months or lose the benefits.
Program requires a debit/credit card that is charged for the monthly fee. Patients will be notified in writing 60 days prior to any increase in fees.